Our Impact

Welcome to the wall of love from the difference we make with our clients. We are blessed to get to work with so many incredibly passionate and heart-led humans.

“If someone is wondering whether they should hire Touchpoint or have a design professional, I think there’s really just two questions to ask yourself…”

Brittany Dever

Certified Pilates Instructor & Studio Owner at Pathway Pilates Studio

“He spent the time finding out who we were so that he could find, not only the colors and images that reflected us, but also the...”

Christine Rizzo

Executive Director at Shevlin Family Foundation

“I am incredibly grateful to you for your partnership, guidance, and infectious laugh.”

Aimee Rubin

Owner at Game On State

Ali Bassir

Founder & Brand Strategist at Right Angle Brands

“Jacob lifts everyone around him to succeed together. That’s the type of business person you want in your neighborhood!”

Jamie Siever

Owner at Jamie Siever Photography

“His work is amazing because he listens to you on an insane level and picks up on things you don't even realize you've said. Highly recommend.”

“All that you deliver from creative process to personal touch is worth every penny.”

Brittany Scharr

Founder & Chief Joy Officer at Be The Joy Foundation

Dr. Lin Morel

CEO & Founder at Beyond Words Group, Inc.

"Jacob has a rare ability to zone in on what's needed and will fit the client. He is committed to supporting his clients in ways that make them shine."

Tommy Henderson

President at Tommy’s Electric LLC

“Jakes presentation was NEXT LEVEL. Enjoyed being a part of the group today!”

My experience working with Jake has been extraordinary. Since I have developed my new branding materials, people have spoken in words that exactly match my intention.”

Kevin B. Huang

Owner at Kevin B. Huang Studios

Janine Boyle Muth

Owner at FitandFedbyJ9

"Consistent vision in creating my brand from logo and website to social media and print work."

Sabrina Nedab

Business Owner at Crossfit Steadfast

“I cannot speak highly enough for the outside of the box creativity that came from our meetings. Jake’s enthusiasm and love for creating and connecting is unparalleled.”

Shawn Latta

Business Intelligence at Nuclei Data

“His attention to detail and dedication to quality will really make a difference in the success of any brand. ”

After meeting their team of professionals, I realized we needed so much more to set our business apart from others.”

Tish Mayo

Founder & Executive Director at Rags2Riches Animal Shelter